When obtaining hotel furniture during renovations and upgrades, you typically work with one manufacturer through the whole process. There are a number of things you’ll be looking for in these furnishings, including colors, patterns and styles to match the hotel theme without feeling drab or outdated. Yet there are other furniture specs you should be aware of when talking with a manufacturer. These specs will dictate the types of furniture you can obtain to suit all hotel guests.

Ask About These Furniture Specs


Furniture materials need to be extremely durable and functional. They must also capture the theme and comfort of the hotel so that guests will feel comfortable and be satisfied with the furnishings. Also, keep in mind about how much you have in your budget when asking about materials. More durable and study furniture will have a higher price tag than lower quality furniture. However, lower quality furniture may not withstand the daily wear-and-tear from the hotel guests. Consider how much the furniture will be used to pick the materials that can withstand the daily abuse.

Woodworking Standards

All hotel industry standards should be met when selecting wood products for hotel settings. In the hospitality industry, the American Woodworking Industry is the gatekeeper in regards to woodworking standards. The furniture you obtain from the manufacturer should be able to meet the American Woodworking Industry standards.

These aesthetic woodworking standards should be presented to the manufacturer for your specific project as the manufacturer can follow the guidelines based on the type of grade that is desired. The 3 grades of work meeting the American Woodworking Industry are Economy Grade, Custom Grade and Premium Grade.

ADA Regulations

Hotel guests will come in all ages. There may also be guests who have mobility or disability issues. Hotel furniture will need to be accessible for people who may have mobility devices such as wheelchairs, walkers and motorized scooters. When speaking with a furniture manufacturer regarding custom furniture pieces, you should ask them about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) regulations.

The ADA regulations will provide furniture manufacturing guidelines to ensure that hotel furniture designs will meet the needs of handicapped and disabled guests. An experienced manufacturer can give you furniture design information to ensure that the furniture can be usable to guests with mobility devices. The manufacturer should also give you furniture layout guidelines so you can space the furniture in the best manner so guests are able to move around the room without bumping their mobility devices into the furnishings.

Technology Integration

Technology innovations are making their way into hotel furnishings to provide an enhanced guest experience. There are speakers placed into headboards and mirrors that also stream workout videos for hotel guests to keep in shape. With the many innovations coming out today, you will want to speak with the furniture manufacturer to learn about what types of technologies that can be incorporated into your custom furnishings and how they can increase the number of hotel conveniences for your guests.

Furniture Warranties

Furniture shouldn’t experience any damage or breakage right after being put into use. Ask the manufacturer about the types of furniture warranties that are offered. Standard warranties will go up 5 years to ensure you get durability and long-lasting furniture that will be pleasing for your guests.

A manufacturer should be able to answer your questions easily about these furniture specs to bring you peace of mind that the hotel furnishings will be right for your design layout and your budget. If you are looking for commercial furniture for your hospitality business, come to Caluco. We provide outdoor commercial furniture for hotels so you can create the relaxing and elegant outdoor patio and lounge spaces for your guests. Speak with us today to receive a free estimate, or submit an online inquiry to receive more information.

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